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Africa Carbon Forum in Kenya
Meet the key players
Africa Carbon Forum in Kenya
Meet the key players, March 3rd-5th, 2010
Interaction & knowledge sharing is vital in order to combat the rise in C02 emissions. The Africa Carbon Forum is a trade fair and knowledge sharing platform for carbon investments. Set-up in 2008 by the Nairobi Framework, in an effort to build growing interest in Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM), it is an ideal platform for interested parties, investors and carbon buyers to exchange valuable information and discuss future projects and opportunities. The Nairobi Framework partners include; the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme, the UNFCCC secretariat, the International Emissions Trading Association and the World Bank.
Working together for the future
The African Carbon Forum brings together representatives from designated national authorities, national focal points, representatives from several UN agencies, governments and the private sector. The full agenda can be found on the Africa Carbon Forum website, please find further details below.