What can we do for you?
Provide sound advice and solid services in all things Verified Carbon Standard, Climate, Community & Biodiversity & Nature Based Solutions.
Our GreenLife Society NGO takes a transparent, direct approach to social and environmental projects, keeping administrative overhead to a minimum. Specializing in carbon offsetting, we get projects accredited by a third party registration with a recognized standard, monitoring and finally issuance of credits we also help voluntary buyers who wish to buy carbon allowances.

Our service range comprises
How we can support you

Project Development
Make a difference
Our service range comprises
How we can support you:
- Registering and accrediting VCS, CCB and NBS projects
- Tax consulting (tax breaks and exemptions for donations)
- Monitoring, Evaluations and Learning (MEAL) reports
- Analyzing environmental and social trends, and providing an intranet info service
- Organizing carbon projects tailored to each company’s needs
- Legal consulting
- Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)
- Social Environmental Impacts (SEA)
- Natural Environmental Impacts (NEA)
- Advertising and marketing
- Evaluating
- Training on legal provisions and environmental laws
- Managing volunteer programs for the company’s staff
- Assisting Mining companies to re-construct degraded lands to their natural state

For more information please feel free to contact us:
Making a difference!
To this end, we analyze the potential investment, assess risks, and present our report. Your company gains a clear understanding of carbon markets and how it will benefit by investing in a GreenLife Carbon Credit Portfolio (GCCP).
These standards and expectations are the code by which we conduct our affairs and protect our investors from Green-washing. Rest assured when you invest in our carbon portfolios you will get high-quality carbon credits.